Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Icon Analysis 2-2

Many contemporary pop culture icons exist these days. Although there is no single definitive test for establishing the pop icon status, there are several factors that help determine the difference. The first pop icon that came to mind was the actress Angelina Jolie. Another major icon that I’m positive everyone has heard of is Tiger Woods. As a third example, the television series Sex and the City is an icon that swept the nation.

The first icon, Angelina Jolie, is an excellent example of an American actress that became so much more. Since 1993, Jolie has been in many successful movies that led her to become one of the most well-known sex symbols in Hollywood. Since she became involved with another pop icon, Brad Pitt, the media and fans have been following her every move. Jolie is tracked and obsessed over on several websites, fan clubs, and magazine articles. On the other hand, Jolie has become known worldwide for her humanitarian efforts. She has been traveling to suffering countries for the last few years to raise awareness of aids, poverty, and other horrible situations (Wikipedia, 2008). I did not think Angelina Jolie was as special as the fans and media made her sound until I recently read about her efforts to help the children of war-torn countries. While she is an icon to the movie and gaming fans, I see Jolie as an icon in the political and humanitarian fields as well.

Golf has had its icons over the decades, but none quite like Tiger Woods. While the professional game of golf was slowly humming as always, young Tiger came along and wowed the nation. He quickly made a name for himself with his amazing achievements. Tiger has actually received 9 PGA Tour awards for Best Player of the Year ( Many professional golfers now want to golf like Tiger. A huge fan base has accumulated that holds Tiger on a “golden pedestal”. We see him on golf wear, sporting goods, television ads, and even sports drinks. The main reason I like to see Tiger Woods as an icon is that he brought the fun and sport back to golf. Watching Tiger try to win a fifth consecutive major to beat a record is really exciting. He has refreshed the game of golf and influenced many more people to try the sport.

The hit television show, Sex and the City, has become a major pop icon. The show stars four New York women that have created a huge fan base and forever changed the way television shows would address the topic of sex. The show aired for six years and earned many awards. There are Sex and the City blogs, games, dolls, and even a full-length movie. I think the writers of the show influenced women in many more ways than they ever thought possible. I worked with two women that would actually miss important functions if they were unable to tape that night’s episode.

References (2008). Tiger Woods, ETW, Inc. Retrieved July 9, 2008, from

Wikipedia (2008). Angelina Jolie, Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Retrieved July 8, 2008, from
Photos courtesy of: ,Tiger Woods


K. Aaron Luking said...

Tiger Woods has done wonders for the game of golf. He has got people interested in the game that would not have even considered watching or playing golf 15 years ago. In my opinion, he has done for golf what Michael Jordan did for basketball and probably on a greater scale.

me said...


I love Tiger Woods, although I dislike golf. His childhood is quite a story and he really has made golf a big icon in and of itself. I also have never watched Sex and the City but love Sarah Jessica Parker! Great post.

Jen said...

Great blog and choice of icons. I have never been able to get into Sex and the City but I heard a lot of people who are fans of it. And who doesn't love Tiger?


Joey said...


Great icon picks. I had never really followed along with the Sexi in the City series but I did go and see the movie and I loved it.
Great job!

Amy Pritchard said...

Wow! I like Angelina Jolie as well. Everyone is so opinionated toward her its ridiculous. As if poeple can't change. She is one individual who has changed remarkably over the years and especially since she has been with Brad Pitt. Good icons!