Wednesday, July 2, 2008

1-4 Analysis of the iPod

I imagine anyone that would be reading this blog would know what an iPod is. The Apple iPod has completely changed the way people listen to their music. The little device is everywhere. You might even own one yourself or at least know friends that do. I was just downloading more songs to mine earlier today. The iPod allows music lovers to easily download music whenever they want to and organize the songs in various ways. You can also download movies!

Released in 2001, the Apple iPod has been evolving over the last few years to offer several sizes and price options. There is the iPod shuffle and iPod Nano which are smaller and lower priced versions. The iPod Classic and iPod Touch are the bigger versions for a lot more money. The iPod Classic has been the reigning music device since it is extremely user friendly, has an amazing 160GB storage capacity, and has a long-lasting battery life. The iPod Touch is a newer version that does not have near the memory capacity, but it meets the recent demand for touch-screen operating.

The Apple iPod Classic has made it possible for people to listen to their favorite music anywhere they want to. There are tons of accessories available like ear buds, cigarette lighter adapters, attachable speakers, and docking stations. I use what’s called a Monster iLink cord to plug my iPod into my car’s accessory outlet. The cord is able to use radio stations to play my iPod through the car stereo. This has been wonderful since I commute 40 minutes to work every day! I can also use a 12v cord to plug the iPod into my boat so we have good music out on the lake. I love having my favorite music at my disposal!

I’m beginning to think the iPod phenomenon is getting a little out of control with today’s youth. I have been noticing a growing number of kids listening to their iPods when they shouldn’t be. Someone please tell me how it could be safe for an eighteen-year-old to have iPod ear buds in his or her ears while driving a car. I’m also noticing people behaving rudely with their iPods in public. I sat in a class last year where one of the students actually listened to his iPod during lectures. I’ve also observed people not turning their iPod off when others try to talk to them.

There are several blogs and reviews available online that are dedicated to such topics as the iPod. A late June issue of Entertainment Weekly included a list called, “The 25 gadgets and innovations with the biggest effect on pop culture since 1983.” In the list, the Apple iPod ranked fourth after the DVD player, Napster, and TiVo (Crave, 2008). It’s obvious the iPod has already begun to replace fancy stereos, CD players, and radio stations. Many people are happy with the new wave of music technology while the older generations are having a tough time understanding it. Reading the various opinions about the iPod only confirmed my feelings that the iPod is one of the most important pop culture items around!


German, K. (2008). Top tech and no cell phone? CNet Networks. Retrieved on July 2, 2008, from

Pictures retrieved July 2, 2008, from


Karen Flohre said...

Stacy -

Your blog provided me an education on the Ipod I really needed. I don't have an Ipod but my husband and children do. I have music on my cell phone which is convenient in some ways. An Ipod would come in handy on an airplane since I'm not allowed to turn my cell phone on during flight.
Your blog was very informative and interesting.


Jen said...

I have an ipod, it's the shuffle I believe. I do not use it often enough to invest a lot of money in them. Your blog was very informative. As far as the teenagers driving with them on, I believe there are laws against that. Something about not being able to hear horns and sirens. Its bizarre that people don't think about how dangerous that really is.

Jennifer Womeldorf